A downloadable game for Windows

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Short Circuited is a third person shooter where you play as a bounty hunter tasked with killing the boss of an inter-galactic private militia. Fight through 3 levels to reach your target and claim the price on his head by sneaking past his henchman or gunning your way through.

Short Circuited is part of my university Final Major Project which aims to translate the modularity of Modernist architecture to level design. The game is entirely put together and designed by me with the aid of assets sourced online.

Full Credits:


Music - FREE Cyberpunk Vol. 1 Music Pack (Future Ramen, 2020), UI SFX - UI Sfx (Little Robot Sound Factory, 2015), Ambience - Space Ambient Album (GWRITERSTUDIO, 2018), Explosion SFX - Bomb - Small (Zangrutz,  2012), Console SFX - PC, shut down (16FPanskaVyskocil_Tom, 2019).


GUI - Sci Fi Game UI Collection FREE Version (Sungraphica, 2022), Skybox - Starfield Skybox (Pulsar Bytes, 2017), Font - Glacial Indifference Font Family (Hanken Design Co., n.d.), Player Model - PBR CyberHunter (Bugrimov, 2018), Henchman Model - PBR Soldier (Bugrimov, 2018), Target Model - Sci-Fi Character 08 (Renegade) (Bugrimov, 2021), Player Gun Model - SciFi Revolver: Mercenary (aclarke064, 2019), Rifle Model - Sci-Fi AK Rifle gameready (free) (Likhachev, 2022), Target Gun Model - Sci-fi revolver (Ramhat, 2017), Console Model - Console (LeMoine, 2017), Explosive Cannister - Calor Gas Tank (MrScanMan, 2021).


Wires - Wires (Andriyanov, 2019), AI & Character Controller - Third Person Shooter Bundle (Marques, 2018).


Short Circuited Beta 1.4.zip 224 MB

Install instructions

Upon downloading the zip, right click the folder and select "Extract All".  Go into the extracted folder and open "Short Circuited Beta" to launch the game.

Development log

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